This Earth Day, we’re delighted to share Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment’s commitment to the environment. We are committed to reducing our energy-related emissions to zero-carbon globally by 2048, with a 70% reduction by 2030. To celebrate Earth Day, here are some simple tips you can use to reduce your CO2 emissions at home.


1. Take a shower, not a bath. You’ll save on the energy needed to heat it.

2. Use a reusable bag when buying your groceries.


3. Turn off the lights when you leave a room and use energy-efficient lightbulbs.

4. Take the stairs, not the lift. As well as saving energy, it’s great for your health.


5. Before you throw something away, ask yourself this question: could I re-use or repair this?


6. Completely switch off electrical appliances to turn off those little flashing lights.


7. If you’re redecorating your home, buy second-hand. You’ll save money and the environment.


8. Always go with renewable energy. If you can choose between different providers, pick one that uses renewables.


9. Run the washing machine and dishwasher when they are completely full and select a low water temperature.


10. Try not to set your fridge and freezer at a lower temperature than necessary.


As you can see, it can be quite simple. By implementing these tips, you can help by reducing your home’s carbon footprint and save money at the same time.

If you want to know more about our commitment to the environment, watch the video about our #CambridgeSustainability journey.




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